In cronological order.
Best paper at SBES (2020)
Já estava mt por feliz pelo trabalho ter sido aceito no #SBES2020! Agora mt mais feliz p/ obtermos esse resultado, fruto de um trabalho c/ time fantástico! Obrigado por todo o aprendizado pessoal! Vamos q vamos! @congressocbsoft @IgorWiese @gustavopinto @marciomribeiro @scbs pic.twitter.com/h6O5wcNAo2
— Kenji Kamei (@fkenjikamei) October 23, 2020
JSS Paper of the year (2019)
Truly honored to be part of the @JSSoftware 2019 paper of the year.
— Gustavo Pinto (@gustavopinto) March 31, 2020
This was the result of a joy collaboration with @welderpluz and @rbonifacio123.
Indeed, the idea, conceptualization, and execution was mostly done by @welderpluz, during his msc. Congratulations once again! https://t.co/MD8Q5obNwU
Best paper at ICSE-SEET (2019)
Congratulations to @gustavopinto et al. for earning a distinguished paper award for "Training Software Engineers using Open-Source Software: The Student's Perspective" at @ICSEconf! Well done! #icse19 pic.twitter.com/VxDpyLY0KT
— Reed Milewicz (@rmmilewi) May 31, 2019
Nomination to best paper at ESEM (2018)
Wanna another reason to read it? This paper was nominated one of the best full papers at @ESEM_conf pic.twitter.com/2Avg9src8t
— Gustavo Pinto (@gustavopinto) October 11, 2018
Best paper at MSR (Challenge track, 2017)
Congratulations to @fernandocastor and @gustavopinto for the Best Mining Challenge Paper pic.twitter.com/9I2gvHo48p
— MSR 2021 (@msrconf) May 21, 2017
Best paper at VEM (2017)
Yay! "Who Drive Company-Owned OSS Projects: Employees or Volunteers?" won the best paper award at the @vemworkshop #cbsoft17 pic.twitter.com/rS6Y6mSZst
— Gustavo Pinto (@gustavopinto) September 20, 2017