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How to deal with rejections

4 minute read

Some days ago I made an YouTube live about how to deal with rejections (in PT-BR, sorry). This blog post is a text version of that video.

How to start doing research

6 minute read

I’m selling a book about good habits that young scholars could foster while finding their path in academia, for only $ 5.

Third year of professoring

7 minute read

This is the third blog post of this topic. Go read the summary of the first year and the second year, if you didn’t yet.

Continuous Integration Theater

4 minute read

According to this post, “CI theatre describes the illusion of practising continuous integration (CI) while not really practising it.” Common failure modes in...

Thinking about teaching

5 minute read

Although I am a professor, teaching is not the part of my work that I love the most. I do like teaching, but I do not love teaching. And when I have a heavy ...

Why blogging in academia is important

3 minute read

Researchers are busy people. We always have many things to do, and we often delay in delivering our projects. How many times did you receive an email that st...

Changing roles in the academic system

6 minute read

I have been reflecting on the roles that I took in academia over these last 10+ years and I finally decided to write them down. I believe I have passed throu...

Second year of professoring

6 minute read

Following my blog post about my first year of professoring, in this blog we update the status for the current year. Let me revisit this wonderful year.

How do Scientists Develop Software

4 minute read

This is a summary of the paper “How Do Scientists Develop Scientific Software? An External Replication”. As the name suggests, we conducted an external repli...

A call for good figures in research papers

3 minute read

Over the last few years, I became more and more into creating good figures to use in research papers. It probably started when I was reading a book about dat...

First year of professoring

5 minute read

While I’m starting my second year of Assistant professor, it is worth to look back and see how was my first year. It may help to improve my professoring skil...

Training students with open-source software

5 minute read

Following my recent experience with POSSE workshop, I went back decided to put all of that in practice as soon as possible. My setting was an operating syste...

POSSE 2017 An experience report

6 minute read

POSSE (Professors’ Open Source Software Experience) is a workshop aimed at bringing world-wide professors to discuss how they can improve their CS courses in...

msr17 in 5 tweets

3 minute read

The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) conference is the real place to go, if you want to learn the new advances regarding msr techniques, datasets, and tool...

Tips to attend OOPSLA with low budget

2 minute read

Are you a [under]grad student who is wondering how amazing it could be to attend a flagship conference such as OOPSLA? But, as a student, you might have a lo...

Pycon 2014 - Call for posters

2 minute read

PyCon is the premier Python Conference, and in 2014 it is being held for the first very time outside US - in the beautify Montéal/CA. It is not only a great ...